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  1. Join Date
    Sep 2010
    [SIZE=5][SIZE=4]Mga boss,

    i need help on buying may first car, VW Beetle. Dream car ko since i was grade 5. I have this prospect VW kaso medyo bulok na.

    how much would i cost on body repairs/ wash-overs (if two tone) and [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=5][SIZE=4]interiors/ [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=5][SIZE=4]upholstery?<assuming the motor is good>. wat repair shops may give good services on reasonable prices? and where?

    i badly need help and advises on this matter.


  2. Join Date
    Mar 2008
    a good repair or restoration job on a beetle can be accomplished in a shop that knows and/or specializes in VWs. we have seen beetles repaired by workmen used to doing japanese cars. the results were not acceptable. nice thing about beetles, is that practically everything, every panel is reachable for repair. the bad part of the deal is, quality workmanship costs. big time. cost of repair can range from just a few tens of thousands of kesos, to several hundred thousands..
    every first sunday of december, VW aficionadoes gather and show off their loved ones. why not go and talk to these fanatics, to get a good idea of what you might be getting into.
    (we have had 6 air-cooleds.. 2 kombis, 1 brasilia, and 3 beetles... 3 of these were airconed. yeah!)
    Last edited by dr. d; September 23rd, 2010 at 01:54 AM.

  3. Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Sir, saan po location ng sinasabi nyo na "get-together" ng mga fanatics every 1st sunday of december???

    Pumunta na po ako kay AYALA sa araneta last week so may mga recommendations sya kung sino gagawa ng body repairs, etc.. kaso expense conscious ako... hangang magkano kaya aabutin ko DRIVER muna saka ako magrestore... Need advices pa rin po...

    Thanks alot sir!

  4. Join Date
    Aug 2010

    i think better visit

    yan ang forum site ng volkswagen club of the philippines. there are a lot of vw gurus there and there are lists of shops also to help you. meron din silang oto resiklo doon, yung online store ng mga vw from beetle to kharman ghia to bus to brasilia to watercooled VWs.

    mag-lurk muna kayo doon to learn more about vws bago kayo bumili ng vw.

  5. Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Good advice
    Try to do the VWCP forum first. The cheap purchase of the classic Beetle is nothing compared to the costly (correct) restoration that can end up in the hundreds of thousands. If you just need something to do the point A to B run, maybe consider other cars. IT would be easy to get bitten by the bug...and be a dyed in the wool fan.

    Vist the VW classic show on Dec5 Sunday at the Fort Boni Naval open grounds.

  6. Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Hi po,

    I am also planning to restore a vw bug and I wanted to get pointers and advice on how to start my project. I tried registering with but I could not receive the activation e-mail, I tried re-sending the activation email but to no avail. I think the site is down or something. Do you guys know another site where I can get info on my project.

    Thank you.

Estimate on Restoration Cost of VW Beetle