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  1. Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hi Everybody,

    I would like your opinion if the spec difference between the two is worth the 81,000 variance.
    Based on what I know the big difference are:
    (correct me if I am wrong)
    Alloy wheels
    TVSS alarm

    But the salesmen are promoting the E variant more by giving these away with an all in package.
    Meaning you end up paying for the Chattel, LTO and insurance which is about 60k give or take.

    Thanks everybody!

  2. Join Date
    May 2010
    The 2011 J variant has all the bells and whistles of the E. the only things AFAIK that the E has that the J doesn't are, mags alloy wheels, Keyless Entry and alarm and some chrome. im not sure about the ABS though.

  3. Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Thanks for the quick reply. ABS according to the website of Toyota wala, so is it worth it without yun? Alloys naman aftermarket ones are between 25-30k na maganda.

  4. Join Date
    Mar 2008
    a number of people will say the ABS is worth every penny.
    as for the rest, you can have the casa retrofit the keyless and alarm, and get the mags elsewhere. you'll save at least 45K..

  5. Join Date
    Apr 2008
    The ABS is a great thing to have kasi. You never know when you might need it. If you have the money naman, then I'd suggest you get the 1.3E, and then badger them for best deal possible. But at 695k for just the 1.3E M/T, I find it a bit high... Yung Accent 1.4A/T is a much better car, matic na and has a longer warranty pa pero mas mura parin dun.

  6. Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I picked J over E. Put your savings by adding body kits, 17s mags, chrome door knobs. I'm sure it wil look better over E with more or less the same price.

  7. Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dondonposadas View Post
    I picked J over E. Put your savings by adding body kits, 17s mags, chrome door knobs. I'm sure it wil look better over E with more or less the same price.
    body kits and chrome door knobs wont save you.. get the one with ABS.. vios have poor braking stability and has tendency for the rear wheels to lock and make the car spin... i drove all vios gen and they are all the same...poor braking

  8. Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Walang intermittent wiper ang J :P

    Pero may aux in naman :D

  9. Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnM View Post
    Walang intermittent wiper ang J :P

    Pero may aux in naman :D
    Yun 1.3 J Base. Yun J na all power meron.

  10. Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You can live without having ABS, of course. My 2 cars don't have them. You just need to make sure that your brakes are checked thoroughly. Brake pads are changed often etc. etc. to have optimum braking performance.

    Personally, I would pick the 1.3J over the 1.3E for the reasons stated by GTi.

    Sub-700k for a mid-variant vehicle isn't simply worth it.

    The 1.3J as itself, is already practical. Especially if you just need a car to bring you from point a to point b without stalling in the trip's duration.

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Toyota Vios 1.3 J vs Vios 1.3 E